Top 5 reasons why you should see a RANZCOG Board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility expert as your fertility specialist.

Becoming RANZCOG Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (CREI) is a comprehensive and rigorous process which requires the following accredited training from the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.


Becoming RANZCOG Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (CREI) is a comprehensive and rigorous process which requires the following accredited training from the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists:

  1. A medical degree from a university (MBBS or MD)

  2. General medical Registration from AHPRA, achieved after at least 2 years supervised clinical hospital residency training.

  3. A FRANZCOG specialty qualification from RANZCOG (6 years ObGyn specialty training to become a specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist)

  4. A CREI qualification requiring at least 3 years post-specialist training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

Both FRANZCOG and CREI qualifications are only awarded after a recognized period and breadth of clinical training experience has been accomplished and after written and oral examinations are passed.

Many Gynaecologists have an interest and practice in the field of fertility medicine, but relatively few choose to complete the required additional years of training and examinations to become CREI certified.

Some professionals choose to complete a university Masters in Reproductive Medicine, which although valuable, is not in any way equivalent to CREI training. Dr Raelia Lew holds both these qualifications, and in addition has a PhD in Clinical Reproductive Genetics.

So why should you choose a RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility specialist to be your fertility doctor? Here are 5 top reasons:

Subspecialty REI certification is the Gold Standard

Fertility medicine is a very complex field and different practitioners possess a broad variety of experience and skill sets. Completing REI training and examinations objectively guarantees that your physician has proven themselves to have met the highest standards in the field at a National and International level.

Advanced knowledge of Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and the application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies like IUI and IVF are not part of routine Specialist teaching in the field of Obstetrics and General Gynaecology.

Doctors who practice in this area have the choice of either attaining the recognized qualification of CREI awarded via RANZCOG, or alternatively attaining on the job experience, learning techniques from senior colleagues in an apprenticeship style of teaching.

Only CREI accredited subspecialists have completed comprehensive accredited training. This includes broad accredited experience and examined proven expertise. Training also includes the performance of high numbers of specific ART procedures and surgeries in a supervised teaching environment to achieve both proven competence and expertise.

It’s not all about the woman

REI subspecialists are fully trained to optimally manage both Male and Female infertility concerns to the highest level. We’re not just Obstetrician Gynaecologists, we’re dual certified Reproductive Endocrinologists.

RANZCOG Certification in REI requires constant updating, with mandatory continuing medical education requirements

To maintain their CREI qualification, your specialist has to regularly  demonstrate that they are up to date with the latest changes and advancements in the fast pace and ever progressive field of fertility medicine. Continuing medical education demands are in place for CREIs because we strongly value and uphold the highest standards in the practice of our subspecialty of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility.

You should do your research when trusting a professional with your care

Infertility is an amazing area to work in because we can have such meaningful impacts on our patients lives. RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility Specialist Physicians have completed difficult expert training because we hold ourselves to the highest standards.  We deeply care about our patients and want to provide them with the best of medical care, service and fertility treatment outcomes.

Written by Dr Raelia Lew

RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility specialist, Gynaecologist and the Director of Women’s Health Melbourne. 

Co-host of the Knocked Up Podcast, Co-founder of Lovers intimate wellness solutions. Raelia has a PhD in Preconception Health Promotion and Genetic Screening.  Raelia is a leading Australian expert in IVF and egg freezing, pioneering a bespoke model of care.  


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