Knocked Up Podcast - Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV

What is the cervix, exactly? How do cancer cells develop there? What can we do to help prevent that from happening? And how can we detect abnormalities as early as possible?


Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV

What is the cervix, exactly? How do cancer cells develop there? What can we do to help prevent that from happening? And how can we detect abnormalities as early as possible?

We'll discuss all that and more in this episode, including the strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer; the difference between HPV and HSV; how cervical cancer screening has changed in recent years (it's not called a Pap smear anymore); how the LLETZ/LEEP procedure works; and more.

Hosted by Dr Raelia Lew and Jordi Morrison

Dr Raelia Lew is a RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility specialist, Gynaecologist and the Director of Women’s Health Melbourne. 

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