Knocked Up Podcast - Nutrition and Fertility With Dietitian Wendy Fedele

What should you eat – and what shouldn't you eat – when you're trying to conceive.


Nutrition and Fertility With Dietitian Wendy Fedele

What should you eat – and what shouldn't you eat – when you're trying to conceive.

There's a lot of information out there, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming, but we're delighted to have Accredited Practicing Dietitian Wendy Fedele as our guest this week to give us some evidence-based guidance.

We chat about everything from salt to supplements, as well as the often-overlooked male factor when it comes to nutrition, fertility and conception.

Hosted by Dr Raelia Lew and Jordi Morrison

Dr Raelia Lew is a RANZCOG Board Certified CREI Fertility specialist, Gynaecologist and the Director of Women’s Health Melbourne. 

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